Rotary International District 9142 has decorated five Commissioners serving in Professor Chukwuma Soludo administration with “The Four Way Test” for their moral lives and outstanding relationship with the club.


The event, which took place in Awka, the Anambra state capital, attracted members of the club, and provided opportunity for them to wine and dine with their own; who were appointed Commissioners.

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do is a test used by Rotarians world-wide as a moral code for personal and business relationships.


Those honoured at the event include the Anambra State Commissioners for Transport, Mrs. Patricia Igwebuike, Agriculture, Dr. Forster Ihejiofor, Power and Water Resources, Engineer Julius Chukwuemeka, as well as Culture, Entertainment and Tourism, Mr. Don Onyenji.

Others are the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Afam Obidike and Deputy Majority Leader of the Anambra State House of Assembly, Honourable Emeka Aforka.


Decorating the awardees, the District Governor, Rotarian Okey Okonkwo said it is pertinent to reward their colleagues for their humanitarian services in and outside the club, pointing out that the increased number of Rotarians in the Soludo administration confirms members’ exemplary lifestyles and sterling qualities, as well as commitment to service to humanity.

According to Rotarian Okonkwo, the award was to congratulate and wish the recipients well in their new assignments and ensure that they uphold the trust reposed in them.


For a past Assistant District Governor of the club, Professor AU Nonyelu, the upcoming district conference of the club, which will be hosted by the State, will not only expose the State as remaining safe, but will equally market different cultural and tourist potential of the State.

In their remarks, some of the awardees, including Honourable Aforka and Mr. Onyeji appreciated the club for the recognition and assured that the State is ever ready to welcome visitors to tap from its rich cultural heritage and enjoy the peace and tranquility it provides.