The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines anger as: “The strong feeling that you have, when something has happened, that you think is bad or “unfair”. Besides, anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility. It is a natural emotion that we all experience, as angry situations can present itself anytime, any day.


Mild forms of anger may include; displeasure, irritation or dislike, for when we react to criticism, threat or frustration, we may become angry. But biblically speaking, Psalm 4 verse 4 says “In your anger do not sin


When anger becomes a full blown rage, our judgment and thinking can become unpaired and we are more likely to do or say unreasonable and irrational thing


According to the American Psychological Association, “Anger is a complete, usually, healthy, human emotion. However, when it gets out of control, it can lead to serious problems at work and in personal relationships and may undermine the individual’s over-all quality of life”. As a matter of fact, when a human decides to take action to stop or control a threat, anger usually becomes the predominant feeling and it takes over our behavior cognition and psycholog


In many cases, humans and other animals express anger by making loud sounds, barring teeth, staring and adopting postures as a warning to received aggression to stop any threa


Anger could be managed by finding ways to recognize your anger “triggers” and developing healthier way to deal with how that anger makes you feel and act. We all feel angry sometimes and may say or do things we regret. If your anger is having detrimental effect on relationships, making you unhappy or leads to violent or dangerous behavior, you probably need help to identify things that make you angr



Besides, psychologists advise people with anger management difficulties, to take time out from a situation, argument or confrontation. If a particular conversation has an anger trigger content, change the subject or delay your response


Medical experts say, when you are angry, the blood releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol, which make the heart rate, blood pressure; body temperature and breathing rate increase. Regular episodes of anger can eventually make people ill. In addition to research findings, recurrent unmanaged anger may result in a constant flood of stress chemicals and associated metabolic changes, that can eventually underline the individual’s health. It may also lead to headache, high blood pressure, insomnia, stroke, heart attack, alcohol and drug abuse, et


No matter what causes anger, be it grief, humiliation, heavy traffic, disappointment, failure, infidelity, financial problems, hunger, injustice, or serious illness that causes pain, always remember that anger like worry dissipates energy and intensity of the present moment. You can cope with anger by remembering the ill behaviour that results from anger frustratio


Ultimately, you can control anger and angry situations by listening to the positive spiritual voice that advises rightly, in every situatio


Remember, “A wise man controls his anger”.