Winning could mean different things to different people but the road to winning is usually the same with different processes and shades of light. Some started winning as children while others as adults. The timing is not as important as the victory itself. What matters is that someone once shouted ‘eureka’ in their lifetime. We may not have the same opportunities and our upbringing could be different. Many had a humble beginning with poverty staring in their face but they can conquer this to win.




Childhood experiences usually drive the motivation for the eventual glory. The days of little beginnings are not to be despised and having nothing is never a hindrance to winning. We could have many rejections and missed opportunities but it doesn’t really count as such. Winning early and winning later in life are not too far from each other. Winning for some people could mean having a comfortable life, getting married and having children, getting an admission into a higher institution, becoming a leader, winning the love of a man or woman, getting a medal or a trophy, outsmarting others and so on. However, winning calls for celebration and applause.


There are factors that influence winning in every life endeavour. Lacking inspiration could make one stale and unprogressive. The company we keep determines our path in life. The environment we live in could also be a good determinant for winning. Lack of self-persuasion and engagement in a craft could be a turn-off. So many people came to limelight when they left their country and people to a foreign land.




You may feel sad and frustrated; thinking that because you do not have a particular thing your heart desires, then that you have failed. This is not true in most situations. Winning must be holistic experience that impacts one and people around him or her positively. While you may feel you have failed in what you do, others








may be positively impacted by the small steps you are taking. We must always


consider the big picture in all situations. Also, failure could be the lesson you need to win big. The courage to continue trying is what counts. Some have tried severally to win, others tried different ideas, techniques, and methods before they came to their breakthrough.




In order to win, we must use our time well. Many people get depressed at the sight of their tight schedules or assignments which they must complete within a limited time. Some people put in efforts to achieve all, or as much as they can, while some others are crumbling under the weight of the pressure of work, constraints, deadlines and all. Lots of people experience terrible stress disorders as a result of their work load. Added to this are family demands, (immediate and extended), church activities and other societal needs.


We must maintain a balanced life to become successful in our endeavours. If you must be successful in whatever you do, you must be intentional about it. You are created for a purpose and you must discover this purpose to positively impact people.




Don’t ever give up! Sit down, think, plan and strategize. Understand that you are a different person and that what works for others may not work for you. Change your mindset until you reach your expected destination.