The Special Anti-Touting Squad of Anambra State, SASA recently inaugurated by Governor Chukwuma Soludo, has arrested more touts in parts of Onitsha and environs in addition to more than six hundred they arrested in the first week of its operation.


Its Director Mr. Solomon Onwuemene who spoke to the ABS at the Squad base in Upper Iweka, Onitsha, disclosed that they also apprehended ‘one chance’ team, drug peddlers and recovered all sorts of hard drugs from them, adding that they have directive on how to deal with those arrested.


He urged Ndi Anambra to go about their legitimate businesses soliciting cooperation from town unions and others.


Mr Onwuemene advised unemployed youths to embrace the state government’s one youth, two skills initiative and stay away from touting, pointing out that Governor Soludo through the Commissioner for Homeland Affairs has made everything available for the formidable squad to work, stressing that they will not fail the state.


Meanwhile, some traders who spoke to the ABS on the condition of anonymity at Upper Iweka, expressed belief that touting activities at the Upper Iweka down to Bridge Head axis of the Onitsha-Enugu Expressway have been contained and urged Special Anti-Touting Squad of Anambra State to sustain the tempo, commending Governor Soludo for the initiative.