Luke chapter 2 :7 reads in Kings James version of the Bible: “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn”. This passage described the birth circumstances of the person of Jesus Christ.


The significance of this birth circumstance of Jesus Christ remains a topic for discussion among Christian scholars, theologians, historians and even ordinary believers especially during the celebration of Christ’s birth. His arrival, in human thinking, will be unfathomable for his personality and for the importance of his mission on earth. But for God, it fits perfectly into plan.


The greatest nemesis of African nations is leadership. The idea in this part of the world is to seek leadership positions for personal and selfish interests. But, in contrast, when God wanted to introduce his son to humanity, he chose the most humble places so as to shine the light that greatness is not determined by background. That a leader must feel the needs of the led.


He also left other valuable lessons. One of the immediate consequences of the fall man was the introduction of class struggles, the quest to maintain class, the strive to be respected at the expense of another. This manifested between Cain and Abel as Cain because of his desire to be recognized and respected killed his brother. But, in changing this trend, God brought his son Jesus Christ to come from a poor home. By the singular act, he ended the argument whether God is God for the rich only.


It also brought hope for God’s love for the poor. This hope becomes even more practical in the face of crass economic hardship facing Nigeria. With a bag of rice reaching to at least sixty-thousand naira and many families left despondent as to how to celebrate the season, a reminder that the parents of Jesus could not even afford the cheapest health centre dots a reminder that the celebration is about salvation and not riches.


Another very important message of the circumstances of Christ’s birth is the message of God’s humility. It remarks that humility is a very important requirement for effective leadership. Humility facilitates forgiveness. It facilitates listenership and teamwork. It facilitates peace and togetherness which are essential ingredients that we need in our societies today.


We must recognize this very important message and practise it in our lives. Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith has exemplified this in his life. As our role model, the celebration of his birth should serve as a pointer to us to the life he lived, the values he preached, and directions he pointed us to follow. It should not be a time for us to engage in frivolities and arguments that do not yield any spiritual benefits.


Political, cultural and social leaders whether they are Christians or not should assess themselves in this mirror of humility and adjust themselves where necessary for the betterment of the governed and the future society.


Jesus birth in a manger is a physical demonstration of God’s priority on leadership – that he who desires to lead must be ready to serve.


Merry Christmas and prosperous new year.