Indiscipline, defined by the Oxford Learners Dictionary as the failure to obey rules and orders -a lack of control in the behaviour of a person or group of persons, is an ugly trend that is in high and scary rise among primary and secondary school children today.


School children, these days, flout school rules and regulations without batting an eyelid. They engage in different antisocial activities while some even go as far as beating up their teachers and go scot-free.


Experts say that behavioural disorders like stealing, violence, drug abuse, examination malpractice, sexual abuse and truancy undermines effective teaching and learning process that some teachers have become helpless and disorganized in their task of impacting knowledge to the learners.


Cultism which began in tertiary institutions back in the days has for several years now, penetrated secondary schools even primary schools luring the youngsters into activities which pose dangers to their future and that of the society.


Some of the causes of indiscipline among school children include lack of good home training. Parents now leave the training of their children to third parties like domestic helps, prioritize their careers or businesses above the welfare of their children, while neglecting to dish out appropriate sanctions for misbehaviour. A school of thought also believes that the very low number of male teachers in primary and secondary schools contribute to the level of indiscipline we see among students.


Teachers can also contribute when they fail to set good examples for their students. When a teacher comes late to school, tells lies, does not come to class regularly, such a teacher will lack the moral courage to discipline students who are faulty in such areas as the teacher.


Lack of proper and regular supervision of schools by their owners also give room to indiscipline to grow in schools.


Economic factor is also one of the reasons some students engage in truancy, staying away from schools because they want to help their parents in hawking goods to make ends meet.


The decline in holding moral instruction classes as it used to be years back can also contribute to this.


The future of our society is gloomy if the rising rate of indiscipline among school children is allowed to continue unabated. Something drastic and urgent needs to be done to save the situation.


It is, therefore, necessary that urgent action are taken. The training of school children should not be left for teachers alone. Parents should play their own role with utmost care and seriousness having at the back of their minds that how they train their children today will go a long way in determining whether their children will allow them to spend their old age in peace or turmoil.


should be adequately supervised by the appropriate authorities ensuring that each party does what it ought to do and at the right time.


We must as a matter of urgency return moral instruction back to our school timetable. This will help the school system give a well rounded education to the children.