
ASHIA Develops 5-year Strategic Health Plan For 2024 To 2029


May 23, 2024

Anambra State Health Insurance Agency has developed a five-year strategic health plan, 2024 to 2029.


Its Managing Director Dr Simon Onyemaechi disclosed this at a two-day workshop in Awka which attracted relevant stakeholders, representatives of the National Health Insurance Agency, Anambra State Ministry of Agriculture, State Bureau of Statistics, State Commissioner for Health, Dr Afam Obidike among others.

Giving an overview of the workshop, Dr. Onyemaechi maintained that the plan will look carefully at how the agency will strategically increase its coverage to enroll more into the scheme, the practical steps they need to take to achieve their objectives.


Dr. Onyemaechi noted that because the staff of the agency are integral part of the stakeholders developing the plan, they will have an institutionalized memory of the document when he must have exited the position in the future, expressing optimism that his wound be successor will continue with the plan.

According to Dr. Onyemaechi, the plan will equally bring out the practical steps they need to take on month-to-month and year -to-year basis, how to source the resources they will leverage on among others, describing the document as timely.


A Lead Consultant in the workshop, Dr. Eric Obikeze from the University of Nigeria, said for the people to move forward, they must have a strategic plan that will help them to achieve their aims and objectives.

Dr. Obikeze maintained that what Anambra State Health Insurance Agency has spelt out what the agency wants to achieve in its five-year plan as well as lay a foundation that will last for a long time, appealing to the Anambra State Government to gazette the document for it to become a law.


The Anambra State Commissioner for Health, Dr Afam Obidike declared the two-day event open.