

By Abs Story

June 29, 2024

Nigeria last week joined over one hundred and twenty-five countries to mark world music day, celebrated June twenty-one every year. It is a day that celebrates all things related to music. World Music day originated in France and first took place in Paris in, 1982. Since then, the idea has spread across the globe. There is no doubt that a world without music will have little or no meaning to many.




The purpose of World Music Day is to promote music by organizing concerts and events which are free to the public with a non-profit making objective, as well as to make all types of music accessible to the public. it is also designed to act as a platform to encourage armatures and professional musicians to express their talent and showcase their versatility.




Philosophers define music as a systematic organization of sounds in order to make a complete unit, which is pleasing to the ear, because if sound is not organized, it becomes noise. Noise is anything that discomforts, disturbs and infringes on effective communication. Music is therefore a means by which people can share emotions, intentions and meanings, even when their lyrics or spoken languages may be incomprehensible to the listener.


talent, one should use it to spread happiness, win souls for God and better the society. Today’s musicians should emulate the likes of late Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe, late Sonny Okosun, the famous gospel music artists like Voice of the Cross, Late Reverend Patty Obasi, the old Oriental Brothers, Chief Morocco Maduka of Blessed Memory, Bright Chimezie, Late Bob Marley and a lot of other local and international musicians whose works are inspirational and thought provoking .


Any music that has immoral lyrics or offensive remarks should be banned to serve as a deterrent to erring music writers and composers. The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) and other music regulatory bodies should censor all music, before their circulation. According to Saint Augustine, “He who sings well, prays twice” and Shakespeare added that “If music be the food of life, play on and give me excess of it”. Ludwig van Beethoven, a classical music composer said, “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy”, Another famous music artist, Elton John confirmed the power of music in his definition that “Music has healing power, it has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours”.




Entertainers in general wish to appreciate Professor Chukwuma Soludo, Governor of Anambra State for including Entertainment in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. This has created the enabling environment for entertainment to thrive in Anambra State. Collaborate with friends and colleagues to make people happy through music and musical concerts.


Let the music play on, but let it be good music.


Written by EZE ONWUJI