Anambra State Government, through the Ministry of Women and Social Welfare, has arrested a fifty-one-year-old Unegbu John Chika for defiling a fourteen-year-old girl in Isuofia, Aguata Local Government Area.


The arrest was after a whistle blower tipped the Women Affairs Commissioner, Mrs. Ify Obinabo, on his observations.


Interviewing the suspect, John, a Transporter who ply the Ekwulobia – Oko route, accepted defiling the girl and pleaded for leniency saying that he was tempted by the devil.


The fifty-one-year-old suspect resident at Isiaku Isuofia but hails from Owerri, Imo State, also said that the act was due to the death of his wife and a mistake which he regrets deeply.


Meanwhile, the victim , a fourteen-year-old said she started living with the man in 2018 when she was eight years, and shortly after, in 2019, he started defiling her.


She revealed that he usually has his way during weekends and holiday periods and that he became more at ease with the act after the death of his wife.


On why she never told anyone, she explained that the suspect after each act tells her to keep it a secret.


Speaking immediately after interviewing the suspect, Mrs. Obinabo thanked the Isuofia People’s assembly leadership for its prompt response in apprehending the suspect before her arrival.


Mrs. Obinabo urged citizens of the state to be on the lookout for any suspicious act or movement and report to the appropriate authority assuring that the Soludo led APGA government will not hesitate to take action.


As at the time of this report, the suspect has been handed over to the police for further investigation and arraignment before the Children, Sexual and Gender Based Violence Magistrate court in Awka while the victim will undergo medical examination.