
Bishop Ezeofor Cautions Christians Against Contradicting Their Faith


September 16, 2024

The Anglican Bishop of Aguata Diocese Right Reverend Samuel Ezeofor says faith is very important for spiritual growth and development.


In a sermon at Saint James’ parish Nanka in Orumba North Local government area during a service of confirmation and admission into Girls Guild and Mothers Union for all the parishes under Nanka Archdeaconry, Bishop Ezeofor stressed the need for expansion of God’s kingdom.

He called on the faithful to always approach God with faith to reap more blessings and Mercy, warning them against acts capable of contradicting their faith and belief in God.


Right Reverend Ezeofor who is also the National chairman of the Evangelical fellowship in the Anglican communion EFAC Nigeria, charged Christians to always practice what is contained in the Holy scripture in order to inherit the kingdom of God and re-echoed the need for Christians to know God in His true nature.

In a remark, the Archdeacon of Nanka Archdeaconry and Vicar of Saint James Parish Nanka, Venerable Ifeanyi Mgbemene who described the visit of Bishop Ezeofor to the Archdeaconry as a great morale booster to the parishioners, charged those that received the sacrament of confirmation and those admitted into Girls Guild and Mothers Union to always maintain their pride as the salt and light of the Earth, reminding them to make prayer their watchword in order to defeat the devil and its cohorts.


Forty-two candidates received the sacrament of confirmation, and twenty-five candidates admitted into Girls Guild as well as twenty-six women into the Mothers Union during the service which featured a special anthem by the choir and series of prayers for those in leadership positions, the church, Anambra State and the Nigerian Nation.

The president of Aguata Diocesan Women’s Ministry Mrs. Chinyere Ezeofor, Diocesan officials, uniformed organizations among others attended the service.