Christians have been urged to be worthy ambassadors of Christ to win more souls for God.

Preaching during a church programme tagged, “Soul winning by all Means 2024, at True Salvation Church Incorporated, otherwise known as City of Blessing, Solution Ground, Umuawulu in Awka South Local Government Area, the Guest Preacher, Reverend Peter Ezenwaji said as adopted children of Christ, Christians should strive to be the light to show the way to others.

Correspondent Paul Ezeoke reports that the three-day programme with the theme, “Standing Strong “, ended with a Sunday service.
Reverend Ezenwaji a lawyer, said Christ has given Christians the grace to eliminate the powers of darkness and build a better society for the people.

He stressed the need for Christians to remain firm and determined in following Christ and propagating the gospel in all corners of the society, to liberate those who are still held hostage by evil and lack of knowledge of power of grace, noting that this would bring the desired change of mind set and renewal, expected of every born-again Christian, pointing out that nobody can revoke the spirit of God in the household of Christ.

Reverend Ezenwaji explained that through faith Christians will continue to attract and harness blessings of God and cautioned against falling victim to fake prophecies and miracles, stressing that word of God is a covenant with mankind.

He enjoined Christians to touch more lives through the work of charity as well as embrace hardwork and acquire skills that will boost their sources of income to enable them become self-reliant and overcome economic hardship, noting that Nigeria is blessed with a lot of resources including arable land for agriculture to diversify the economy.

Also speaking, the host Pastor, Pastor Makuochukwu Ezeamuo urged Christians to remain strong and wise in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ who brings light and fulfilment in the life of people.

Pastor Ezeamuo said God has given Christians the power and grace to overcome challenges to attain salvation.