God’s Kingdom Society KGS Onitsha zone has celebrated her 2024 Freedom Day to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

The church auditorium was filled with ministers, members and friends who came to participate in the annual event to refresh their mind on what is expected of a child of God whom Jesus Christ came for.

In his opening speech on the essence of the event with the theme, “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall”, the Station Minister, Brother Ogechukwu Oriaku said that the birth of Jesus Christ is the best thing that happened to mankind which brought to an end of the old convenant and the beginning of the new convenant which brought freedom and salvation to mankind.

Brother Oriaku, thereby, charged Christians to put on the armor of God and deprive themselves of anything that will stop them from entering the kingdom of Heaven, be spiritual vigilant and be mindful of pride which is one of the most powerful ways the devil brings down individuals.

In his sermon with the theme “Was Christ born on Christmas day?, the minister traced Biblical, chronological, and historical events to prove that Jesus Christ was born in October against the longheld tradition of celebrating his birth on December 25.

Reflection on the words of God and birth of Jesus Christ, questions and answers, special thanksgiving, display of different tribal dance featured duringĀ theĀ event.