Be careful what you do with your back because, it is the power-house  of  the entire body, supporting the  trunk and making the movement  of the head, hands and legs possible.

Back pain prevalence has forced  most people to regard and accept  it as a price they have to pay for standing upright. This is fortunately not true.

Many people who are victims of chronic and debilitating back pain have at various times been told by some health care providers that their pain is incurable. They were advised to treat themselves as semi-invalids. In other words, these practitioners believe that the cure for common  back pain is as elusive as ever and that the victim should accept the pain in the back as he would accept gray hair on his head.

The back is a network of bones, nerves, muscle and ligaments. All these work together to balance and bear the weight of the body and the load we carry.

The spine has series of curves which is “S-” shaped, designed in the form of an elastic spring and helps to absorb jolts and the impact of day to day activities.

Again, the anatomy of the spine is truly unique in its form and function. It is designed to be incredibly strong, protecting the highly sensitive nerve roots, yet highly flexible, providing for mobility and strength. The moblitiy allows movements such as twisting or bending and strength allows people to stand, walk and lift. So proper functioning of your back is needed for almost all activities of daily living.

Pain in the back, especially the waist can restrict your activity, reduce your work capacity and diminish your quality of enjoyment of everyday living. Chronic pain in the back can render a person bedridden or wheel chair-bound. Even effective performance of some vital organs in the body can be seriously affected by prolonged back pain.

A number of factors may predispose one to this disturbing pain in the back which include: poor muscle tone, excess weight, otherwise known as obesity, improper or heavy lifting, poor posture, sitting or standing in one position for prolong period of time , among others . These can put undue stress on your spine.

However, if you have been suffering from endless and debilitating back pain and have been on drugs for some period of time with no appreciable change at all, request from your doctor, a referral to skilled physiotherapist with expertise in the proper management of chronic back pain.

 A labor-intensive measure carried out by skilled physiotherapist will go a long way to eliminate or at least drastically reduce the pain in a matter of minutes and thus restore mobility and function of your disabled back.

Always use your back with care and it will last a life-time.

For more information, contact OMEGA PHYSIOTHERAPY AND BACK PAIN CARE CLINICS AWKA  and  ONITSHA on   08033299222.