Fighting against the will of God tantamounts to the physical basis of being chased by one’s shadows. It takes a man of vision to be focused, and pilot the affairs of any system effectively and successfully with a well articulated strategy and work-plan, aimed at achieving targeted goals at a record time.


The world is divided into people who make things happen, people who watched things happen and people who wonder why things happen. Soludo belongs to the people who make things happen and he always stays in the right place at the right time with the right people doing the right thing.


Soludo’s achievements in the last two years are there for everybody to see. He faced tremendous challenges in reclaiming Anambra State from the brood of vampires that attempted to make it a wasteland where nothing works. These are visible in every sector. He should be encouraged to perform. He is Just two years in office, but so far he has scored a credit. In the end after his four year tenure, he will be measured not by how much he undertakes but what he finally accomplishes and he will be scored higher.


In the short period in which Anambra State has had the fortune to have Professor Soludo at the helm of its affairs, the State has been given a remarkable and impressive sense of direction. It has been given a meaning. It has been given a direction. For the first time since Anambra State was created in 1991, Anambrarians anywhere in the world could hold their heads up and feel proud of their State.


Governor Soludo’s government gave the State hope where there was despair. His government breathed life into a dying state and hopes are once again being raised and promises are being made for a better and stronger Anambra State. Indeed, he is leaving indelible foot prints on the sands of time. In just under two years of Professor Soludo’s leadership, he has sustained efforts towards restoring societal core values of transparency and accountability through leading by examples.


It could be argued that the mystique of Professor Soludo’s leadership is traceable to the fact that he emerged at a psychological moment when the whole state was sick and tired of repeated political faltering and floundering. In other words, it was a state badly in search of a charismatic and purposeful leadership. Anambra State needs a dynamic and selfless leader like Soludo, a result-oriented leadership. Leadership by examples not simply leadership by precepts, a go-getter who can deliver the goods in concrete terms not in romantic phraseology.


Regrettably, there are double faced individuals who are at it again to destabilize the government. They can dine and feast with the angels as well as with the devils, without much or any feelings of personal or psychological discomfiture. They are like double agents in spy motion picture plots. Their activities could destroy anybody by carrying out their clandestine operations. They have started as usual to rear their ugly heads again. The same people who flattered and misdirected some previous administrations. This group of individuals should avoid distracting and manipulating the present administration and give peace a chance to enable the governor implement his agenda.


Ndi Anambra have trust in the Governor and are satisfied that he is capable of bringing peace that has eluded the state for so long. He is also capable of restoring law and order in the state and redeem its fortunes as well as put it on the high road of unity, tranquility and success. One of the principal reasons of Professor Soludo’s success is the fact that he is seen and acknowledged as a true dynamic and indefatigable leader not a sectional demi-god. Thus the whole of Anambra State is truly his “constituency”. This is not to suggest of course that there is no room for improvement but after weighing his achievements for two years in office Professor Soludo’s balance sheet stood eloquently to his credit.


Anambra and Ndi Anambra will remain eternally grateful to him and enshrine his name in perpetuity. When the history of this period comes to be written, Professor Soludo’s name would be written in Gold.