The Archdeacon of Amawbia Archdeaconry and Vicar of Saint Peters Parish Amawbia in Awka South Local Government Area Venerable Jason Onyeakagbusi says praising God with a genuine heart always conquers the gate of enemies.

In a sermon at Saint Peter’s parish Amawbia Venerable Onyeakagbusi maintained that praising, worshipping and being committed in serving God comes with series of blessings and miracles.

He advised Christians not to be deterred by the present challenges facing Nigeria reminding them of the need to always anchor their faith and trust in God who is the author and finisher of our faith.

Venerable Onyeakagbusi during the service which featured special prayer for the leadership of the country, the church and Anambra State, tasked Christians on being compassionate with others especially the downtrodden in order to continue winning souls for Christ.