History will be made on Wednesday this week when Rotary Club of Awka District 9142, Rotary Club of Chicago and

Anambra Women United (AWU) in USA will present and distribute various medical equipment valued at over two hundred and forty million naira to Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Enugwu-Ukwu General Hospital and Primary Health Care Centre at Nibo, Awka South local government area.
These equipment and medical supplies, which include a cancer screening machine, will be formally unveiled and presented by Governor Willie Obiano to be assisted by the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Joe Akabuike and the District Governor of Rotary International, District 9142, Dr. Emman Ude-Akpeh at the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital on December twentieth by 12noon. The medical intervention is in response to the clarion call by Governor Obiano to Ndi Anambra and friendly institutions to join hands to develop the state.
Rotary International, a service organization, executes humanization projects through its Rotary Foundation, focusing in six areas of concerns. These areas include peace and conflict prevention/resolution; disease prevention and treatment; water and sanitation; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and economic & community development.
It is in line with these objectives that the Rotary Club of Awka, taping on the one point two million membership of Rotary in 200 countries of the World reached out to Anambra Women United through Rotary Club of Chicago to bring a medical infrastructure into Anambra state. This could not have been possible without the enabling atmosphere of security and investment-driven fiscal policy of Governor Obiano.
Recently, Rotary International, District 9142 donated forty feet container of books to Kenneth Dike Memorial Library, Awka, in furtherance of its resolve to eliminate illiteracy and encourage reading habit to the people of Anambra state. A blind law graduate of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, who could not afford fees for law school, was sponsored by Rotary Club of Awka. Literacy classes have been organized for adult Women and Men who could not write and read. Particular significance is the fight to eradicate polio in the world by Rotary International, and her partners.
SinceĀ  1988 when Rotary implemented the polio eradication programme, more than two point five billion children have receive oral polio vaccines and polio endemic countries have declined from one hundred and twenty-five countries 1985 to three countries in 2017. From the launch of the global polio campaign, more than 15 million people, mainly in developing world who would have been paralyzed, are walking today because they were immunized against polio, a crippling disease that attacks children under five years.
The donation of medical equipment/supplies by Anambra Women United in collaboration with Rotary Club of Awka, District 9142 is a milestone in the strengthening of health industries in Anambra State. It will certainly open various windows of health intervention and stimulate other patriotic Ndi Anambra and prospective investors to invest their resources in the overall development of the State.
Anambra Women do not need to go far again for cancer screening test as part of the medical equipment brought by these patriotic daughters of Anambra State based in USA include a mammogram and a cancer screening machine. Our health centers and hospitals will be strengthened and become effective in attending to the needs of our people.
Ndi Anambra are requested to join Anambra Women United, USA, and Rotarians on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Awka for the epoch making occasion of the unveiling of the medical equipment/distribution by Chief Willie Obiano in company of the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Joe Akabuike, and Rotary International Governor for District 9142, Dr. Emma Ude-Akpeh.