Christmas is a season when Christians around the globe celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

But over the years, the world has hijacked it and almost turned it into a season of celebrating vanities. And this has a lot of consequences.
Christmas, especially in Nigeria, has almost become a season people ought to be extra careful while celebrating or else they may face devastating loss. There is a spirit in the air that makes most people throw caution to the wind and celebrate the yuletide without recourse to tomorrow. It is a time most people, in order to measure up with the Jones, spend all their year’s savings as if there is no tomorrow. Most people go to any length to ensure they celebrate the period in full and this gives room to many committing various degrees of atrocities in order to fulfill their vain desires.
Christmas has now been turned into a period of human trafficking. In this season, a lot of real and fake oversea dwellers come back home displaying their ill gotten wealth with the ulterior motive to lure greedy and unsuspecting youths into the illicit trade of human and drug trafficking. Youths should therefore be very careful this period.
Do not allow yourself to be deceived by many youths that will come back or are already back displaying wealth gotten from ungodly sources. They will come to you in different shapes and colors with sugar-coated words but look before you leap. If you refuse to be wise this period, you may have tales of woes to tell and some of you may not live to narrate their tales of woes.
To the young girls, you are advised to cut your coat according to your cloak. Trying to be what you are not will lead you into terrible things in this period. A lot of women and girls sell their bodies and even steal to acquire material things to show off to their friends that they have arrived. In the quest to fulfill their sinful desires, many women and girls will be infected with HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Some will enter the New Year with unwanted pregnancies as well as left with other terrible scares too deep to tell.
Parents, the frivolities of the season can make you spend like no man’s business. But while buying those things you need and do not need, ensure you have either paid or kept aside your children’s school fees and as well paid your rent to avoid regrets next year.
Another area people ought to be vigilant in this yuletide is in the area of security. Thank God for Ndi Anambra. Security of life and property is the major thrust of the state government. However, effective security is a collective responsibility of both the government and the governed. So, beware of your environment and do not hesitate to report any suspicious movements to security agents. There are some bad eggs, who, in order to meet up, will try to steal.
Above all, to celebrate Christmas with joy and satisfaction, you need to give recognition to the man who is the Reason for the season, Jesus Christ, by ensuring that you are in the right standing with God. By doing so, the real essence of the season will take its rightful place and the world will be a better place to live in.