All roads lead to the Cathedral Church of Saint John, Ekwulobia tomorrow, Sunday, September 16, 2018,

for the fiftieth birthday anniversary of the wife of the Anglican Bishop of Aguata Diocese and President, Aguata Diocesan Women Organizations, Mrs. Chinyere Huldah Ezeofor (JP), Nnechukwunyere. The ceremony, which is an important milestone in her history, will commence with a special Eucharistic service, beginning at 12 noon.
Actually, for one to attain a golden jubilee age is by divine providence. This, therefore, calls for celebration, spiritual meditation and thanksgiving to God for His Mercies and Blessings. However, for Mrs. Chinyere Ezeofor, Mama Aguata, the occasion is a tripartite celebration.
One is to thank the Almighty Father for their translation from Ogbaru to Aguata Diocese. Second, for her successful inauguration as the second President of the Mothers’ Union, Women’s and Girls’ Guild, in addition to successful conclusion of the thirteenth Aguata Diocesan Women’s Conference, which took place at Saint John the Divine Church, Oko, between August 2nd and 5th, 2018, with the theme “Jesus Christ the Foundation and the Chief Cornerstone,”.
The golden jubilee celebration of Mrs. Ezeofor, which will attract many dignitaries, including government functionaries, captains of industry, the academia, the religious and women leaders in different churches, will reach its crescendo with the presentation of her maiden music album as part of ‘Generous God Education Fund’, a foundation she is floating to assist indigent but brilliant students obtain quality education to prepare them effectively as future leaders.
Born on March 27, 1968 into the family of Late Catechist Julius and Mrs. Caroline Chukwuka of Nnobi in Idemili South, Mrs. Chinyere Huldah Ezeofor attended Central School, Nnobi and obtained her First School Leaving Certificate in 1979. She further went to Girls’ Secondary School, Nnobi.
Not satisfied, Chinyere gained admission into the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka, bagging a Bachelor of Education and Masters degree in Education in the same university and majored in administration and planning. It was while at Nsukka that Right Reverend Samuel Chukwudi Ezeofor JP, Ph.D met her and they married in 1994. The marriage is blessed with children.
Mrs. Chinyere Ezeofor was Secretary, Ihiala Archdeaconry Women, Diocese of Nnewi and Young Wives Coordinator, Ihiala Archdeaconry Women, Diocese of Nnewi. This is not all. The Bishop’s Wife was also a Training Unit Coordinator, Diocese of Nnewi Women’s Ministry. She further worked as President, Diocese of Ogbaru, Women’s Ministry. Other positions she held include Diocesan Bible Study Chairman, Diocese of Ogbaru; Grand Patron, Anambra State Girls’ Brigade and currently, President, Women’s Ministry, Diocese of Aguata and Head, Aguata Diocesan Bible Study Committee.
Equally, the celebrant was a Class Teacher at Holy Innocent’s Juniorate Convent, Nkpor, Diocese on the Niger; Classroom Teacher, Saint Matthias’ Anglican High School, Akure Diocese and Classroom Teacher, Standard Secondary School, Ichi, Diocese of Nnewi. She was a Teacher at Archbishop Patterson’s Secondary School, Mbosi; PTA Teacher, Abbot Girls’ Secondary School, Ihiala and Vice Principal (Admin), the King’s Ambassadors’ Seminary, Atani, Diocese of Ogbaru.
Before she got married to Bishop Ezeofor, Mrs. Chinyere Huldah was the Treasurer, Girls’ Guild of Saint Simon’s Church, Nnobi; Secretary, Christian Union Choral Group, University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Secretary, Christian Union final year fellowship, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and choral group leader, Plateau State Christian Corpers’ Fellowship, Jos.
In view of the golden jubilee celebration, Mrs. Ezeofor extends her hand of fellowship to all to join her in this event. The journey so far may be tedious and thorny but the benefits have been tremendous. This is why everyone should join Mrs. Chinyere Huldah Ezeofor (JP), Nnechukwunyere, to celebrate this occasion of a lifetime for the greater glory of God and service to humanity.
Happy celebration, Mrs. Chinyere Huldah Ezeofor as you clock the golden age of 50. To God be the Glory.