Peace is the essence of human existence. It is the beauty of life and the only channel through which human beings can live in harmony.

It is the principle of mutual co-existence. Without peace, there will be no harmony and without harmony, there will be no development.
The world cannot sustain development without peace. Most religions around the world claim that peace is the essence of their existence. However, most countries, including Nigeria, where these religions exist, have been experiencing deadly religious crises, killings and un-wanton destruction of private and public property in the likes of Boko Haram terrorism, herdsmen and farmers clashes, gun men shootings and kidnappings.
It therefore seems that people do not understand what religion of peace means. Thus, considering the importance of peace, September 21 every year is set aside as International Day of Peace. It is not just a day to talk about peace as a mere principle but also a day to celebrate and promote peaceful co-existence and the culture of Peace as fundamental human right.
The theme for this year’s International day of Peace is, “The Right to peace; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70.” Everyone has a right to peaceful co-existence. A right that has to do with peace includes: the right to life, which has to do with the right to safety and livelihood. The right to dignity entails protection from violence, fear and discrimination. It is against all forms of torture and inhuman treatment, especially by the men in uniform.
Others include; the right to live in peace and in a culture of peace. The right to education has to do with the promotion of research in favour of peace and human rights, whereas the right to peaceful expression includes the freedom of thought, conscience, religion, association and peaceful assembly. Of course, the right to reside and participate in any place of one’s choice includes the right to the status of refugee and emigrants.
According to Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General, it is time all nations and all people live up to the words of the universal declaration of human rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity, equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human race.
As Nigeria joins the rest of the world to celebrate International Day of Peace today, the citizens should give peace a chance in their lives, homes, communities, offices, schools, market, public places, our state, Anambra- “the light of the nation” and  country Nigeria.  Even as the 2019 general elections approach, let there be Peace in our World!