The Vice Chancellor, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Professor Joseph Ahaneku, has describe the increase in cases of rape, drug abuse, exam-malpractice and cultism among Nigerian University students and the entire society at large, as a source of worry to every right thinking Nigerian.
The Vice-Chancellor, who was speaking while receiving in audience, the state Director of the National Orientation Agency, (NOA), Barrister Charles Nwoji and some members of his management team, who paid him an advocacy visit, maintained that the leadership of the University has been battling these for some time now.
Professor Ahaneku, who noted that the illegal consumption of drugs has been very high in the society, said that the university has prescribed different punishments for students who take pleasure in these vices within the university environment.
He said that the university is a problem solving institution that has the ability and competence to improve the conditions of humanity, saying that the university has made the study and learning of Igbo language compulsory for every student of the university with a view to promoting and projecting the Igbo language and culture outside the world.
While calling on Ndi-Igbo to believe in themselves, Professor Ahaneku stressed that ;the University is available to work with NOA and other organizations in the society that fight cultism, rape, drug abuse and exam-malpractice, and thuggery especially now the 2019 general elections are around the corner.
Earlier, while briefing the Vice-Chancellor on the motive behind the advocacy visit, the NOA State Director, Barrister Nwoji, lauded the lofty achievements recorded so far by both the present and past leaderships of the university and thanked God that the current Vice-Chancellor of the university is part of the success story of the Institution Barrister Nwoji, said that the leadership of NOA in the state is focusing attention on attitudinal change of the general public, especially the university students through its well articulated and defined programme,” Campus Focus” which he said, was aimed at a holistic fight against cultism, drug abuse and exam-malpractice among young Nigerian university students.

Barrister Nwoji, who noted that young students are being lured into drug abuse, thuggery and cultism without knowing the implications, confirmed that more than eighteen persons recently met their untimely death in Awka by engaging in cultism and drug abuse and described Nnamdi Azikiwe University as a prime institution of higher learning not only in Anambra state, but Nigeria at large.