An average Nigerian argues that the economy is not much supportive to the family system any longer and given the number of children each family bears, it further compounds the economic woes, which has a short and long term effects on the socio-economic environment of the country.

To give Nigerians the option of better managing of resources and income available to the family, the Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative, NUHRI organized a three day workshop held in Abuja for ten states of the federation including Anambra, on the use of family planning method to limit the number of children while also ensuring healthy reproductive life.

A senior technical adviser for NURHI, Mrs. Christie Ibeawuchi revealed that one hundred and twenty million poor families worldwide have been able to assess contraceptives worldwide with professional help and advice to limit the number of children per family while also living a healthy reproductive and family life as family planning is expected to reduce mortality rate by 2020.

Mrs. Ibeawuchi, also observed that more political leaders are beginning to appreciate the benefits of family planning not just for the well being of women and children alone, but for the entire country, noting that no meaningful effort will succeed in the family planning campaign without a specialized advocacy effort.

The Technical Adviser charged participants to add their voices in support of family planning in supported states, local governments and Communities.

Also speaking the Director, the Challenge Initiative, Mr. Victor Igbaro, noted that for the first time, stakeholders are sitting together as one big family, while welcoming the five new states namely Plateau, Taraba, Anambra, Abia and Rivers states to the fold, adding that the effort of advocates are extremely important in the ongoing campaign to educate the people about family planning.

In their remarks at the seminar, Reverend Chikaodinaka from Anambra state, Khadija Nuhu and Nelly Peters from Taraba state who emphasized that the seminar which was held in partnership with health ministries of participating states, and hopes to champion family planning advocacy, as traditional rulers, religious leaders and state government must do a lot in ensuring that no barrier stops advocacy for family planning as its socioeconomic benefits are innumerable.