Fourteen Deacons were yesterday made priests in the Anglican Diocese of Aguata during an Advent Ordination presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese Right Reverend Samuel Ezeofor.

Performing the ceremony at the Cathedral Church of Saint John Ekwulobia in Aguata Local Government Area, Bishop Ezeofor charged the new priests to accept the Holy Scriptures as revealing all things necessary for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

He charged them to be determined and be diligent in their reading and study of the Holy Scriptures and in seeking the knowledge of its teachings that will make them stronger Ministers of God.

Bishop Ezeofor urged the new priests to always believe in the doctrine of the Christian faith, in addition to respecting the constituted authorities.

The Anglican prelate who stressed the need for the Ministers of God to always use their vocation in promoting peace and unity urged them to fashion their life and that of their household in the way of Christ.

Earlier in a sermon the Ordination Retreatant, Venerable Goddy Eze from the Anglican Diocese of Nsukka, who spoke on the topic “the endangered Church”, regretted that dangerous hunters do exist in the Church and called for all hands to be on deck to save the Church from further disintegration.

He encouraged the newly ordained priests to preach the gospel of God without fear or favour as God has raised them to become His messengers.

In their various reactions , three of the newly ordained priests, Reverends Chibuike Ekwonye, Victor Ezedinachi and Samuel Okpala acknowledged that it was indeed a great moment of Joy for them,
assuring that they will put in their best for the growth and development of the Church and society at large.

The Diocesan Legal team led by the Chancellor Justice Pete Obiorah administered the Oath of Canonical obedience on the new Priests while Bishop Ezeofor anointed their fore-heads with oil in addition to presenting them with Holy Bible as a mark of authority.

The President-General of the Joint Council of Knights Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, Sir Isaiah Eze-Ezika was among those that attended the ceremony.