This period of the year ordinarily is the beginning of the dry season but for those at the riverine communities ,it is the commencement of new farming season .

Staff Reporter Blessing Ijedibia who was at Umuikwu Anam, observed that cultivation has reached advance stage at the riverine communities of Anam and crops have germinated while farmers were seen applying various techniques to keep the weeds away.

A Farmer Mrs Pauline Chukwuife said they normally start early to enable them harvest early, listing crops for early cultivating to include Cassava. Yam ; vegetables among others.

She said she was pleased with accelerated pace of Agricultural development in the state and requested the state government to allow them to access loan directly.

Another farmer, Mrs Chiom Azoo pleaded for government intervention in the area of provision of farm inputs, lamenting that the last flooding left them with little sseedings and other farm inputs.