Christmas, the foremost annual Christian festival, is here again. Hence, with few days to the celebration, the socio-economic activities of man are, as usual, on the rise.  Once the ember months set in, people tend to double efforts so as to meet up. The result is that everyone is on the fast lane.

Other unique characteristics of Christmas are displays and decorations of parks, homes, shops, offices and even streets as well as Christmas songs that put people truly in the mood.    Undoubtedly, Christmas is the greatest celebration world over. Once it comes up, both Christians and non-Christians alike feel and smell it in the air. In fact, one can conveniently describe Christmas as a great wave that sweeps everybody along. Yuletide comes with a kind of excitement which envelopes everybody, the rich, the poor, the young and the old.

It is a period everybody looks forward to and would not want anything to mar the happiness associated with the festivity. Children seem to be most excited during the period because they are likely to get new clothes, shoes, toys, watches sunglasses and outings for parents who can afford them. The joy and excitement are usually in the preparations because unless anything unusual happens on the Christmas day, it passes like every other day, except for the too much cooking, eating and drinking, visits to parks, friends and relatives or sightseeing.

No doubt, Christmas is to commemorate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. And because it comes towards the end of the year, Christmas affords the opportunity to take stock of the year ending and plan for the year ahead. People staying outside their communities; use the occasion to travel home to celebrate with their kit and kin. Some families and communities also use the period to organize other functions like weddings, get together and meetings where they deliberate on issues affecting them.

Unfortunately, miscreants have turned the essence of Christmas to something else. Many people commit all sorts of atrocities in the cause of celebrating Christmas. These days, abominations are rife such as ritual killings, robbery, kidnappings, fraudulent activities, pilfering, cheating by some traders and human trafficking. In a quest to meet up, the rate of accident also increases.

No doubt, these are the antics of the evil one to demystify the great celebration. Actually, the Birth of Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind, has greatly transformed the world; therefore, the yuletide should be a period for spiritual upliftment and celebration of joy and peace. Good spirited individuals and organizations should not fail to remember, visit and donate to charity homes, orphanages and prisons to make them have the feelings of the time and season.

It has become imperative however, to sound a note of caution that whoever indulges in unwholesome activities, just to show off or belong, is off the track because that is not the spirit. Basically, Christmas is not all about indulging in excessive dining and wining. It is for spiritual rejuvenation, by reflecting on why Christ came helping the needy, being in peace with God and one another. Parents should guide their children and wards away from throwing knockouts and other explosives. Government has sternly warned that offenders would be dealt with.

Every Christian, this year, must endeavor to give to the lowly, no matter the situation. This is to reciprocate God’s gift to mankind in the person of Jesus Christ. No matter one’s condition, there are those he or she is better than. Be of help to that person you are better than. That way, you are appreciating God who gave us His son. If you are lamenting that you do not have shoes for the Xmas, remember there are those who do not have legs. If you are groaning that you are in sick bed, remember there are those in the mortuary.

Road users, especially commercial drivers, should drive with caution as life has no duplicate. One must be alive to enjoy the money he made from Christmas hustles. Thus, drive to be alive to celebrate the Christmas with your loved ones. Excessive speed and driving under the influence of alcohol kill. Before travelling, let us make sure our vehicles are functioning well, especially the brake, tyres, lights and engine. It is only the enemy that comes to kill, steal and destroy but our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we are celebrating His birth, come that we may have life, and have it more abundantly. He is the king and must be celebrated as one. What is important is to do it the right way. Therefore, celebrate Him with sound mind, pure heart and clean soul. MERRY XMAS IN ADVANCE.