The INEC State Resident Electoral Commissioner Dr Nwachukwu Orji, says about three hundred thousand permanent voters cards are yet to be collected by the owners in Anambra state.

Speaking during a meeting of INEC and representatives of various political parties in Awka, Dr Nkwachukwu Orji, appealed to stakeholders to assist the commission in encouraging registered voters to collect their PVCS.

He explained that according to the recently released voters register by the National Headquarter of the commission, Anambra state has the highest percentage increase in voter registration across the country jumping from one-point-seven million in 2016 to over two point four-four seven million which he said, helped to bridge the gap between the south East Zone and other Zones in the country in voter registration.

According to Dr Orji, the commission has declared six days for collection of PVCs starting from Wednesday sixteen to Monday Twenty-first January this year, during which the commission would
deploy to all wards in the state to distribute PVCS to the owners.

He added that the commission has equally mapped out twenty one activities to promote voter education to encourage people to participate actively in the entire electoral processing, urging other stakeholders to help mobilize the people to carry out this civic responsibility.

The Chairman of Inter-party Advisory Council, Prince Isaac Onuka, commended INEC for maintaining cordial relationship with the political parties and recalled that the commission conducted the most credible election in the country during the Anambra Gubernatorial election in