The United Nations High Commission for Refugees, UNHCR, said thirty-five thousand Nigerians seeking refuge in Cameroon are safe.

The UN refugee agency said the estimated thirty-five thousand Nigerians had fled across the north-eastern border into Cameroon in the last two weeks of January.

There had been concerns about the possible forceful ejection of the Nigerian refugees in Cameroon as the country had threatened severally.

The UN agency said the people had fled Rann in the last two weeks after Boko Haram extremist fighters repeatedly attacked the town.

Speaking on a visit to Goura in Cameroon, the UN Resident Coordinator in Cameroon, Allegra Baiocchi said he has seen many fearful people there, whose lives have been destroyed by Boko Haram.

The United Nations and its partners have responded to the sudden influx into Goura by providing basic services in what is now a makeshift refugee settlement.

Some thirteen thousand people have received food ratios and each registered refugee is getting six liters of clean water a day, some way below the recommended fifteen liters minimum.

In January, the UN in coordination with the Government and aid partners, announced its 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan which focuses on the whole of the country, including areas affected by Boko Haram.