The 2019 Annual General Meeting, AGM, of Anambra State Chapter of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relation, NIPR, will take place today.

This is contained in a release signed by the Chapter Chairman, Lady Chinwe Nnedum and Secretary, Dr Venatus Agbanu.

According to the release, the election of a new Exco to pilot the affairs of the Institute for the next two years will be conducted immediately after the AGM and both events will take place at De Geo
Gold Hotels, Awka.

Time is eleven o’clock in the morning.

It also said the events will attract the National President of the Institute, Malam Muktar Sirajo who will be the special guest of honour while the state Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Mr Cdon Adinuba, will be the Chief host.

The National President will as part of the activities marking the AGM pay courtesy visits to prominent sons and daughters of the state who are members of the Institute.

NIPR was established in 1963 and chartered by decree sixteen of 1990. The law establishing the Institute mandates it to regulate the practice of Public Relations in Nigeria and makes it illegal for anybody to practice PR in the country without NIPR certification.

The Institute which is a member of Global Alliance of Public Relations and Communication Management has membership drawn from PR practitioners in both government and private institutions.