The Traditional Ruler of Aguleri, Eze Christopher Idigo, has made his final journey as the final rites of passage were performed by Aguleri Community.

Amidst colourful displays and performances by the brass band and the Traditional Igba Eze Aguleri, Eze Idigo was accompanied by Aguleri cabinet members, and arrived his palace at Amaeze, Aguleri, prior to which he made stops at four strategic locations of Aguleri, namely Umuala, Igboezunu, Ivite, where he was addressed by Elders from those Aguleri Communities.

Governor Willie Obiano later arrived the Amaeze with his wife, Dr Ebelechukwu Obiano, among others for the Vigil mass.

According to the Governor, Eze Idigo lived a good and pleasantly eventful life, thanked God for his life, saying that peace characterized his twenty four year reign.

He expressed optimism that the peace for which he was known, will continue to reign in Aguleri.

In a homily, Reverend Father Anthony Okoye, reminded all that death is inevitable and a necessary end for mortals, calling on Christians to make right their ways if they truly want to make heaven.

Commenting on the significance of the Traditional procession, the Ona Nze of Aguleri, Chief Edward Obiokoye, said that Aguleri believes in reincarnation such that if those entitled rites are not performed for Eze Idigo, it will have consequences on his family and the entire Community.

The Commissioner for Works, Engineer Marcel Ifejiofor and the House of Representatives member-elect for Anambra East and West who are also members of the Aguleri Royal cabinet, Chief Chinedu Obidigwe, said Eze Idigo will be missed for his peacefu disposition to people .

They also said that his reign brought lasting peace, as they are no longer interested in war and violence which are usually inimical to progress and development.