Epileptic power suppy experienced in Awka and environs will in a matter of days be a thing of the past with the on going installation of a new fifteen MVA transformer at Agu Awka substation by the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, EEDC.

The head of Communications EEDC Mr Emeka Ezeh, made this known while inspecting the installation process at the Awka sub station and ABS injection substation respectively.

The head of Communication EEDC Mr Emeka Ezeh was accompanied on the inspection visit by the head of Safety and Environment Engineer Francis Iwu .

At the Agu Awka substation, installation of the fifteen MVA transformer was ongoing .

ABS equally spotted another seven point five MVA transformer, which was one of the two seven point five MVA transformers formerly there.

One of the seven point five MVA was also seen in the ABS injection sub station ,but the installation has not started as at the time of this report.

Speaking after inspecting the installation work, Mr Eze said installation waa moving as expected but for a little delay they had over the weekend, they would have finished installation and move over to soaking of the transformer.

Mr Eze said that in the next two days, the issue of shade loading of feeder lines will be a thing of the past as their will be steady power supply.

He called on consumers to endeavor to pay their bills which he said will be the only barrier to steady power supply as he said that they need money to import the energy which they distribute to final consumers.

On his part, the head Safety and Environment Mr Francis Iwu cautioned against building under high tension wire which he said is very risky because
according to him anything can go wrong and a lot of lives will be lost.

Mr Iwu regretted that many people violated and more are still violating power line right if way, by building all sorts of structures, and said planting high rising trees in homes also affect high tension wires.

They later paid a visit to the Managing Director and chief Executive Officer of the ABS Chief Uche Nworah in his office at the station’s corporate headquarter in Awka.