A call to curb fake news with regards to its negative impact on the larger society has been made.

The Commissioner for Information and public enlightenment, Mr. C-Don Adinuba made the call in Awka during a one day digital media conference against fake news and misinformation, organized by the Association of Digital Media Core Advocates.

Mr. Adinuba who spoke through the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. James Ezeh decried the level of harm the phenomenon has done to some individuals and the society at large stressing that it’s man inhumanity to man and called on those who indulge in such act to have a rethink.

He further advised that people should fact check whatever content they publish especially on social media to avoid misinforming the general public.

On his part, the key note speaker, and the Managing Director, National Light Newspaper, Sir Chuka Nnabuife who advocated proper sensitization as a way to curb the menace, advised that credibility should be considered first before publishing anything online news.

The workshop which has it’s theme as “Digital Media: Engaging Unifying Voices Against Online Fake News and Misinformation” has in attendance major players in the media industry, legal practitioners, the Academia and government functionaries among others.