An Ogidi Magistrate court, presided over by Moses Kanu, has ordered that a seventy two year old man, Reuben Okpala, be remanded in custody pending when he was able to meet his bail conditions.

Sir Reuben, who is a suspended member of Peoples club International, is standing trial on a three count charge of alleged conspiracy to commit felony, office breaking, stealing of one laptop belonging to one Chief Joseph Ilonze, among other appliances, totaling over four million naira, property of Peoples Club International, Owerri Road,

The defendant however pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him.

Counsel to the defendant, C.O Nnabuife, had earlier applied for bail, based on self recognition, praying that his client will be faithful to the court.

Chief Jideofor Okongwu, counsel to the complainant, however asked the court to demand for a substantial surety that can compel him to appear before the court as the need arises.

The case was adjourned till July twenty-forth 2019.

Also before Magistrate Kanu, is another case of alleged embezzlement of funds meant for People’s Club International, which the court adjourned till seventeenth of June this year, for further hearing.

The defendants were former officers of the said club.

When the matter came up for hearing yesterday, the second, third, sixth, seventh, and eight defendants were not in court, a situation Chief Okongwu frowned at, stressing that it is mandatory for the defendants to appear before the court to answer for themselves.

He argued that appearance of their counsel means they are all aware of the matter, and prayed for a bench warrant against them, as sections 90, 100 and 101 give the court the powers to compel the appearance of the missing defendants.

Counsel to the defendants, C.O Nnabuife asked the court to discountenance his colleague’s argument, insisting that the sections cited do not assist in any way.

In his ruling, Magistrate Kanu upheld Chief Okongwu’s submissions as relevant to the case at hand as he has the Attorney General’s fiat to prosecute the matter.