Awka Catholic Diocese has joined their counterparts world over in commemorating 2019 World  Communications Day.
The annual event by the catholic church is aimed at recognising the importance of communication in the propagation of gospel.

This year’s event which is the fifty third in its series kicked off with a pontifical high mass officiated by the Auxiliary Bishop of Awka Diocese, Most Reverend Jonas Benson Okoye , at St Patricks Cathedral Awka.

Delivering a homily , Bshop Okoye whose message has  “Disciples must complete the master’s work” as its theme,  said journalists are like prophets who see ahead of others and use their profession to change the world for better.

While speaking on the message of Pope Francis for this year’s event, Bishop Okoye urged all to unite and fight the social ills destroying the country , so that the severe pains people go through on a daily basis will cease. He regretted that anger and anguish are resulting to  all the suicide cases being recorded in many parts of the country. 

He read out part of the Pontiff’s message which says “Be you united, one to another; social network community to the human  community network” and called on all to be agents of change.

The event featured special thanksgiving by media practioners  in Anambra state, including the  Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of ABS Chief Uche Nworah, the MD of National Light, Sir Chuka Nnabuife, the chairman of Catholic Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria, CAMPAN, Awka Diocese, Mr Gab Okpalaeze, and his  members of the Executive of the Association  the Executive members of Anambra State Chapter of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, as well as South East and Anambra state leadership of RATTAWU.