Nigerian is fifty nine years today.mNigerian was granted independence on October first, 1960 after being a British prectorate in 1901.

The country’s colonization lasted until 1960, when an Independence
movement succeeded in gaining Nigeria her Independence.

Since Independence, Nigeria has grown from three provinces to thirty-
six states , with the intention of distributing the nation’s resources
more fairly between the different ethnicities.

The Nation has witnessed both military and civilian rule and has grown
to be one of the most populous countries of the African continent .

The importance of Independence day in Nigerian comes with the fact
that it brings every Nigerian together in one accord not only within
the country but also in the far off lands of the world.

As the nation commemorates her fifty- ninth Independence from the
British Empire in 1960, it is expected that Nigerian leaders will
develop the political will to tackle the numerous challenges
threatening the country’s very existence as independence is all about
national integration .