The Federal government has been asked to fine tune and harmonise existing laws on social media rather than enacting a new one.

Stakeholders at the Seventy Third General Assembly of the Broadcasting Organisation of Nigeria (BON) harped on the need for broadcasters to assist in the fight against the scourge of abuse of social media in Nigeria.

Ekwi Ajide of our Abuja Bureau reports that the General Assembly was an opportunity for broadcasters to brain storm on the way forward.

In a lecture, Professor Danjuma Gamba of the University of Maidugeri, blamed broadcasters for reradicalsing the polity owing to commercialisation.

The University lecturer, said that though Nigeria has all the semblances of a failed state, it cannot be referred to as a failed state and charged the media to use their powers to effect positive change in the society.

In her welcome address, the Chairperson BON, Sa’a Ibrahim, called for quick action on the digital switch over to enable broadcasters in Nigeria be at par with their counterparts the world over.
The Vice chairman of BON, Sir Godfrey Nnamdi-Ohuabunwa, stressed the need for the Nigeria media to properly inform and educate the public.

He said that as part of efforts to further protect media organisations from going out of proportion, BON has brought out guidelines to adequately guide Media Practitioners so they can abide by the rules as well as have control over what is published on the social media.