Written By: Chike Ezewuzie

According to a famous pathologist, J. S. Wolfe, tacit collaboration by millions who bite their lips is more essential than lip service by thousands of favour seekers. Backsliders and malicious people, he continues, are not worth your attention, but you can thank them for deeming you worthy of theirs.

Character assassination has, no doubt, dealt a big blow on the psyche of many, to the consternation of others. Rational thinkers are of the view that one mistake people should never make is to be allowed to be recruited by someone, to hate another person who has not wronged them. This is because what people say about others, says a lot about them.

Character assassination is a pervasive and destructive phenomenon that is found everywhere – in families, schools, politics, work places, etcetera. Wikipedia defines Character assassination as the deliberate, malicious and unjustified effort to damage the reputation or credibility of an individual. It is the slandering of a person, usually with the intention of destroying public confidence in that person.

There are people that take maximum delight in ruining other’s reputation. These set of people have ‘Destructive Tendencies’. They oil their own ego by pulling other people down. This is usually found in politics, especially in developing climes.

False allegations are the most chronic form of mental abuse. When people cannot kill one’s dreams and purpose, they will try to assassinate the person’s character. There are some people that one’s spirit will always irritate their demons! Once they realize hating is not working, they start telling and spreading lies about the person. Political office holders and big wigs in the society are usually the target. People are assassinated once but ‘Character Assassination’ kills daily! Character assassination is a form of emotional violence against others.

Another thing that hinders people from living a fulfilling and inclusive life is bringing past bias and sentiments into relationships. A friend of one’s enemy is not necessarily his enemy; God can use an enemy’s friend to bless one! Therefore, Nigerians should not conclude about people because of what others say about them. We should not draw up conclusions based on what others tell you about someone.

In addition, people should not use their children as weapons of war. God can use one’s perceived enemies to bless his children. Therefore, children should not be used to fight those you do not like. You may often need to guard them with their choice of friends but never plant the seed of discord in the heart of children against someone else.

Furthermore, let’s not gang up with others to hate someone. Never join the multitude to hate someone else – findings show that sometimes the person has no offence. Someone said, “If you don’t see it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears, don’t invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth”.

People should not be used as weapons in other people’s battle. It is not every battle that you must involve yourself in. Nigerians should refuse to be used as weapons in other people’s battle. When people fight dirty, refuse to take sides. Observe deeply before concluding.

Above all, let’s not hate people just because they do not behave like us. That someone is not your tribe doesn’t make that person your enemy. The people who do not think like you, are your greatest source of help. It is normally people that are not like us that help us grow the most. Again, we must not judge people until you know the whole story. Always beware of the half-truth; you may have gotten hold of the wrong half.

Stay away from people who talk bad about others; this kind of people carry a negative spirit, and a negative spirit is contagious. Stop the destructive habit of talking about people behind their back. When you have issues with people, try and discuss it with them. A newspaper columnist once wrote, “Rumours are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots”. Stop creating walls of contention; rather help build bridges of understanding among people.