Mathematics is one of the core subjects that learners in primary and secondary schools are expected to be exposed to during their stay in school. National Policy on Education states that this will equip the learners with knowledge and skills for the acquisition of permanent literacy, numeracy and ability to communicate effectively, lay sound basis for scientific, critical and reflective thinking among others.

Through the knowledge of mathematics and skills the individual learner acquires, he or she will be able to comprehend, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and make generalizations in order to solve mathematical problems. In this way, the individual will be able to apply mathematical knowledge and skills to familiar and unfamiliar problem situations.

In this period of scientific and technology-driven society, almost every sector of human activity is dependent on one technology or another. Many have acknowledged that no nation can attain great height in scientific and technological development without sound foundation in mathematics. To function effectively without much dependence on people around, every individual needs to be literate in mathematics.

Despite the importance of mathematics in the life of every one, either as a student or an independent person, the teaching and learning of this mother of all sciences has not been encouraging in our schools. Most school children, if given option, will drop the study of mathematics in class.

However, there are many values an individual can derive by being reasonably literate in mathematics. Some of these include effective planning and budgeting, logical reasoning, ability to predict and estimate quantities in practical life etcetera. These benefits have eluded those who think that mathematics is for some special persons.

Mathematics is a science of order. A number of factors and variables have been identified to constitute problem to the effective teaching and learning of mathematics in our schools. Many researches are ongoing and a number of methods have been adopted to address these problems.

It is in the light of these, that the Mathematical Association of Nigeria, MAN, Anambra State chapter, makes a case for repositioning the teaching and learning of mathematics among primary and secondary school children in the state. Under this association, the joy and value of this discipline that unlocks the key to better understanding and study of other science related disciplines will be better exposed and appreciated.

The association, this year, is strategizing to equip teachers with relevant skills and innovative strategies that can help reawaken the dying mathematical spirit in our children. The association established zonal coordinators of mathematics in all the education zones in the state.

MAN also organized workshops in two areas of mathematics contents that were introduced newly in the curriculum. This was to get the teachers adequately prepared. No wonder the Greatest Teacher, Jesus, asked His disciples to stay in one place until He sends them a helper who will always be with them.

This is the aim of the association. Come together let us brain storm so as to come up with strategies towards repositioning the teaching and learning of mathematics in the state.

MAN congratulates the education friendly governor of Anambra state, Chief Dr Willie Obiano and the Commissioner for Education for sustaining the teaching and learning of school subjects, including Mathematics, following the COVID-19 pandemic. The association calls on all mathematics teachers who are yet to identify with her, to rise to this great challenge. No other person, group or body can reposition the teaching and learning of this subject better in the state than that of the collective responsibility of the association. This call is timely, especially this period that teaching and learning is witnessing a number of challenges.

Mathematical Association of Nigeria holds her usual meeting on 17th November at Igwebuike Grammar School, Awka by 12noon. As you come, remember COVID-19 observances. Great Mathematicians – Great!