Mobile phone, cellular phone, cell phone or hand phone; sometimes shortened to simply mobile, cell or just phone, is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone service area. Modern mobile telephone services use cellular network architecture and, therefore, mobile telephones are called cellular telephones or cell phones in some places.

In addition to telephony, digital mobile phones support a variety of other services, such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, video games and digital photography. There are also mobile phones which offer greatly advanced computing capabilities. These are some of the technological advancements have aided the existence of man.

However, science and technology have done more harm than good to humanity. One of such harms is an outright deprivation of man’s concentration to himself and his surroundings or environment. Sometimes Mobile phone or handset has basterdized man’s world.

In essence, mobile gadgets have done more harm than good in our world. Mobile phone is one of the products of man’s brain; in short, the whole system in all ramifications. The worst hit, the most vulnerable, are the universal youths – The youths all over the world.

In the church, in the market place, in the farm, in the class, on the road, in the air plane, in the boat, on land, in the hospital bed and even in the theatre or operating table, the mobile phone is at work, highly engaged. They are involved in chatting, answering calls, playing games, on-line marketing to SMS messages and gambling, among others. These are terrible instruments of distraction, diversion are disorientation

There are numerous cases of people falling into gutters, subways, train tracks, running red lights, falling victims of accidents, etcetera that could have been easily avoided under normal circumstances. The over use of mobile phones outside the home has caused the loss of a lot of lives globally.

There are statistical instances of such cases too numerous to mention. Some other vices emanating from the un-wise use of mobile phone also include sleepless nights, crossing beyond boundary or human destination into demonic or satanic territories or apps.

It is not an over statement to argue that after slaves trade and human trafficking, the neo slave and bondage hooker of man is the mobile phone and its fabrics. The greatest, clandestine, submarine enemy and destroyer of man is the mobile phone.

Our youths as well as adults have terribly and seriously fallen preys to it. Man without knowing it, is hazardly caged and locked up in a lonely, cemetery, cold courtyard and slave market of the mobile phone. It is indeed a callous attempt to clandestinely brain-drain and corrosively erode the youths, who are the future leaders of the world, of their God-given brain, power, and position and concentration to manage the universal community and family.

Let there be mass education in every nook and cranny of the adverse effects of misusing these gadgets; especially on the youths. It is now or never. It is never too late, for he, who fights and runs lives to fight another day. Let us help our children who look up to us for direction and advice. The churches are there. The schools are handy. Market places are equally there, even social media too. Now is the time. Let us save our world.