Special Masses and Services  have been held in various churches to mark the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem known as Palm Sunday.
In all the churches visited, christians were seen holding palm fronds while it was used to decorate the churches together with the cloth of the church changed from violet to red and white depicting the mood of the season. Amaka Chibuzor Okoye reports that  at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Awka,the mass started with the blessings of the palm fronds and prayers by the Cathedral Administrator, Very Reverend Father Mathew Atansi followed by procession to the church podium.
In his homily,the Cathedral Administrator, Reverend Father Attansi highlighted the betrayal seen in the life of the disciples of Christ during his passion noting that it was motivated by selfish interest so as to see that death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brought to fruition.
He noted that in the world today, many betray their loved ones and never appreciate any good deed done to  them as  was seen in the life of Judas Iscariot calling on the faithful to show love of God to others as they will want them to do unto them.
At Saint Jude’s Anglican Church,Adazi-Ani, the faithful processed round the community with their palm fronds shouting Hossana Hossana in the highest.
While delivering a  sermon after the processions, the Archdeacon, Adazi-Ani Archdeaconry and vicar of the church, Venerable Chris Nkem-Okafor said the trumphant entry of Jesus Christ is the beginning of victory to mankind.
The Archdeacon said that kingship of Christ is supreme above everything  and encouraged christians to be focus and live according to the biblical tenets.
  The services  featured blessings and distribution of holy communion and prayers