Water, like food and air, is essential for all life activities on earth. Studies reveal about 71% of the Earth surface is covered with water. Water is precious – especially fresh water.
Without good and clean water, man cannot survive and not a single thing we see around us would be possible. A safe and sustainable water supply allows us to carry on with our daily activities. Water offers public health protection, guarding us against waterborne diseases that could devastate our communities. The era of COVID-19 has added to the increasing importance and value of water as safe hygiene practices for the prevention of the disease cannot be possible without water.
Nevertheless, with these encouraging statistics, there still exist growing global challenges of water crisis. Nigeria is so rich in water resources that many of its 36 states are named after rivers like Anambra from Omamballa River.
The country has 215cubic kilometers a year of available surface water. This is a lot higher than many African countries, particularly those in the southern and northern regions of the continent.
One would imagine that Nigerians have plenty of water to drink. But this is not the case. In fact, according to 2019 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASH-NORM) survey, 9% of Nigerian population have access to basic Water, while 70% have access to basic drinking water.
These results, although still far below the expected target, recorded appreciable improvements from previous surveys, thus indicative of huge financial investments in the sector by the governments at both Federal and States and their commitment at ending open defecation and ensuring the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 6 by 2030.
Anambra State Government, under the visionary leadership of Chief Willie Obiano, had since inception, sustained partnership with the European Union, UNICEF, World Bank, Federal Government etcetera to potable water, improve sanitation and personal hygiene conditions of the rural communities. Strong advocacy on the need for an open defecation-free society, spear headed by the wife of the Governor, Chief Ebelechukwu Obiano, using her NGO; CAFÉ, is yielding desired results.
Also, through the Community Choose Your Project Initiative, a number of WASH facilities have been constructed in Parks, Schools, Markets, community centers etcetera and are being properly managed by the people.
Consequently, the ongoing institutional reforms in the WASH sector have offered an enabling environment for other development partners to assist the state in the realization of its target. To this end, the present administration fully rehabilitated Udoka Estate and Nnewi Water Supply Schemes.
Furthermore, the Obiano administration, in line with global best practices, has concession the brand new Otuocha and the rehabilitated Obizi water schemes. This arrangement, when successfully executed, will ensure adequate and sustainable delivery of potable water to Anambra homes.
Ndi Anambra are once again reminded of our civic obligation to effectively manage this all important natural resource, whose availability is heavily threatened by artificial and natural factors, including climate change. These we can achieve by practicing water conservation in our daily routine by closing the tap when not in use, not ignoring any water leaks, not running more water than necessary while doing daily shores, not prolonging your bathing, rather have a quick shower, Practice rainwater harvesting, use the collected rainwater for different purposes as required, avoid any act that will pollute water, jealously guard all public WASH facilities from vandal, take full ownership of WASH facilities around your zone etc.
By so doing, we would have leveraged on the efforts of the Obiano administration at ensuring total resuscitation of the once dead water sector in the state in other to bequeath an endearing legacy to unborn generations.
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