Healthcare givers have been advised to seek US global funding to enable women have access to comprehensive reproductive health services.

The advice was given by the Director, Policy and Advocacy at Population Action International, PAI, Mr. Jonathan Rucks, during a virtual training of  Journalists on the theme, “Global Gag Rule Rescindment; Implications and Next Steps.

Correspondent, Queen Anigbogu reports that Global Gag Rule is a United States Policy under Republican Administration that blocked US federal funding for Non- Governmental Organizations that provide abortion services, rescinded by President Joe Biden on the January twenty-eight, 2021.

The repeal means that more US fund will be available for not only reproductive health issues but also for the treatment of HIV and malaria among others.

Mr. Rucks charged media practitioners to start spreading the information of the repealing of the gag Policy to enable women have access to comprehensive reproductive health services and stop dying from unsafe abortions.

The Regional Technical Advisor, Communication and Media for PAI,Ms Florence Machio, in her comments, said the impact of the policy had contributed to the closure of clinics due to none accessibility of commodities when the Global Gag Rule was in place.

The trainees stressed the need to hold government accountable for the health rights of women and called for increased budgetary allocation for women reproductive healthcare delivery and overall strengthening of the health sector.