Cultism is a practice of a group of people with a deviant religious, philosophical or cultural identity, often existing on the margins of society. It is usually exploitative towards its members. The beliefs and activities of cults are mostly shrouded in secrecy. Hence, it is commonly known as secret cult.
Some years ago, cultism in Nigeria was only practiced by students in the higher institutions. However, as the years go by, cultism found its way into secondary and primary schools. Nowadays, cultists are on the streets capturing youngsters who have not even seen the four walls of a classroom.
Cultism has no good to offer to whoever that gets initiated into it. Cultists are societal deviants. Anybody that joins a cult has embraced untimely death and destruction with open arms.
Recently, in some places, many lives were cut down in their prime because of involvement in Cultism. Some of those who died were only sons or only child of their parents. Some were breadwinners of their families and many others died leaving their young children fatherless and wives widows.
There were those who are yet to find their bearings in life and suddenly they were killed during cult clashes. Imagine the psychological, social and economic impact on the families and the society at large.
Causes of cultism include poor home training. The home is the first school a child attends to learn morals and values. But when a child is brought up or trained by parents who are morally bankrupt, such a child, most times, end up becoming a societal deviant.
In addition, some parents, in their quest for materialism, neglect the training of their children, leaving the duty for domestic helps and neighbours, thereby exposing their children to danger of joining anti social groups.
Many youths also join cult because they want to have a sense of belonging. They want to be seen as big boys and girls in campuses or in their environments. They also want to be held in high esteem or feared by all. Unfortunately, when they become cultists, they end up attracting negative image to themselves and their family members.
Furthermore, most cultists tend to lure the youth into their folds with false promises to make them wealthy. The poor youth who want to ‘make it’ will join, only to discover that there is no ready wealth anywhere, and for them to get money, they end up getting involved in armed robbery.
Politicians also contribute to the increasing rate of cultism in our society today. They engage our youth in political thuggery. Quest for protection also pushes many youths to join cults.
Unfortunately, cultists, with all the rituals and charms they arm themselves with, have never received the desired protection. Even if the charms were concocted by the devil, they can never last. That is why cultists die like flies regularly. True and everlasting protection can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Again, the kind of friends one keeps can go a long way in determining the kind of a person he or she will turn out to be in future. Also, desire for revenge can entice one to join a cult. When such a person has experienced bullying from his age mates, family members depriving him or her of rights and inheritances, the victim may end up joining a cult in other to get back at his or her perceived enemies.
But the truth is that nothing is worth the reason for getting initiated into cultism. It does more harm and no iota of good. Over the years, cultism has left and is still leaving death, destruction, heart arches, in its trail.
To stamp out cultism out of our society is a collective responsibility.
Parents, the church, government and the society at large must rise and deal with this cankerworm which has eaten deep into the fabrics of our society. Parents, give proper home training to your children. If you know you cannot train your children, please do not bring them forth. Parenthood is not by correspondence.
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