The Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Mr. Sunday Dare, has congratulated team Nigeria for her remarkable performance  at the just concluded World Athletics Under twenty Championships in Nairobi, Kenya which had about nine hundred and fifty eight athletes from  one hundred and sixteen countries participating in forty five events.

He also praised the President Muhammadu Buhari, for his continuous support towards sports development in the country.

Nigeria had finished in third place on the medals table behind the hosts Kenya and Finland at the Championships with a total of four gold and three Bronze medals. 

The Minister said: the Team Nigeria athletes deserve respect for representing the country so well describing their performance as a record breaking performance that will place Nigeria on the world map of world athletics and signposts a new trajectory for sports in Nigeria.

He promised to invest in the young  champions and also design a programme for them to get them prepared for more victories as they have started building a new and younger generation of Nigerian athletes that will surely do the country proud.

Thanking President Buhari for his continuous support for sports development in Nigeria, Minister Dare, said the President had helped in creating a very conducive environment for the ministry to thrive and what has happened in Nairobi, Kenya are proofs of the support.