The year 2021, just like every other year, is fast coming to an end. We are now into the tenth month and to the glory of God, the last quarter that will crown the year.

At the mention of the months September, October, November and December, people are panicking; they are afraid of road accidents, robbery attacks, end of year ritual killings; fuel scarcity and above all, the fear of unknown.

Some people, unfortunately, call the last four months the months of doom, while others believe that some blood-sucking spirits take over our roads during these months. The ‘mber’ months, as they are fondly called, they say, are the most bloody of the calendar year. It is always received with joy amidst sorrow and fear. Record shows, however that these months always record the highest number of road accidents and many other such fowl news.

As one travels along most high ways during the ‘mber’ months, you will find litanies of security and traffic maintaining agencies, deployed to almost all the junctions. Many road blocks usually constitute nuisance to motorists. People experience the worst and most frustrating traffic jam.

For traders, ‘mber’ months are the highest season of buying and selling. People travel a lot. ‘Mber’ months are the months of stock taking. They are the busiest months of the year. Almost everyone is in a hurry. Most people want to meet up before the year runs out.

Equally, the ‘mber’ months are the months of major festivities. There are major celebrations in all the last four months. Ndigbo continue their New Yam festival in September and October. Christians celebrate the Exaltation of the Cross in the month of September. Nigeria celebrates her National Independence day and the feast of Our Lady of Nigeria on October first; the Muslims celebrate one form of feast or the other. Christians celebrate the feast of All Saints on first of November. And to Ndi Anambra, November 6 this year is their election year.

The peak of ‘mber’ month’s festivities is December 25th when Christians celebrate Christmas, signifying the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, while everybody celebrate the New Year on January first. The ‘mber’ months are the months that actually crown the year.

Thus, even without statistics, common sense will tell one that accidents and deaths are higher during these “EMBER” months because of the various festivities lined up during the period and which warrant much more travelling. It is a period when commercial drivers cash in to make more money through overloading, excessive speeding, among others. During this period, most drivers are usually impatient as they rush to make more moneys and so they drive against the traffic and end up in fatal accidents and loss of lives.

The reckless manner in which many of the drivers conduct themselves while behind the steering reinforced the superstition that blood-sucking spirits invade the highways from September to December every year to cause accidents, which may not be true.

Above all, greedy individuals, who want to make it in life by all means, venture into criminal tendencies such as robbery, armed robbery, ritual, kidnapping and other sharp practices in order to celebrate these festivities in grand style. Some have boasted that they must celebrate the Christmas, for instance, with a brand new car, whereas some do not have any meaningful means of livelihood. Thus, they kill, maim and commit all kinds of atrocities to meet up. For the election, political desperadoes hire thugs that cause mayhem, kill and maim innocent citizens.

However, for serious minded people, ‘mber’ months should be the months of sober reflection. Bible says that an unexamined life is not worth living. The mber months should be a period of self-evaluation, business-assessment, and review of marital and family relationship. They are the months of reconciliation with God and humanity.  A well spent ‘mber’ months will always give rise to well-prepared New Year. This period, people should make peace with God and shun criminal tendencies. Prayer is the key to success and protection in life.

As the governorship election is some days away, politicians should trade with caution. No political position is worth the head of any person. Let’s note that we should all face the judgment seat of God and everyone should give account of their sojourn on earth. Above all, only one person will be the governor of the state. Remarkably, that seat fits Professor Chukwuma Soludo of APGA.