The Ike Jerusalem foundation, Umuawulu has embarked on free eye care out reach for the aged in the community.

The event which took place at the community had both male and female members of the community who are above forty years troop to the venue to benefit from the gesture.

 the event featured free eye screening, drug administration, surgeries and distribution of treated eye glasses free of cost.

Speaking at the event, the benefactor and founder Ike Jerusalem foundation, Mr Henry Okafor said that he decided to introduce the free eye care into his outreach programs because he noticed that many are suffering from one eye problem to the other, as according to him, an unhealthy person cannot be happy even if empowered.

Mr Okafor, a United Nations Ambassador said, in line with his status, he has been given empowerment to the youths, feeding the widows, the orphans and the needy to lighten their burdens, noting that he will soon embark on hospital visitation to offset bills of critically individuals who cannot pay their bills, calling on those whom God has blessed to use their wealth to better the lots of the down throwdden.

In their separate speeches, some stakeholders in the community including Mr. Martins Ekweozor and Mr. Chidiebele Onwuaso, appreciated God for touching the lives of others through charity, noting that though the benefactor is a youth, he saw the need to help those who needed help, praying God to bless him abundantly.


Others who also spoke at the event Messrs. Echezona Ezeh and Chika Emeka applauded the initiative and expressed delight with the peaceful coexistence in Unuawulu community.


They called on the affluent in the society to emulate such gestures as a way of giving back to the society.