The Chief Magistrate Court sitting at Nnobi, Idemmli South Council Area has adjourned the case between the State Commissioner of Police and Chief Chijioke Okaa to Friday July Twenty eight . The Police have also amended the five count charge against Mr Okaa and joined one Olufemi Salako in the suit. Paul Ezeoke reports that when the case was called up for definite hearing, the Prosecution Counsel Mr Ifeanyi Eze told the court that charges against Mr Okaa have been amended which the court accepted.

According to the amended charges read to Chief Okaa and Mr Salako , they were arraigned before the court for attempting to commit felony by inducing one Miss Victoria Mbachu to make a title document of a land in his favour with intent to fraudulently covert the property to their own.


They were also charged for conspiring to commit misdemeanor through forcible entry of a property belonging to Mr Bonaventure Ezekwenna.

Mr Okaa was also Arraigned for wilful and unlawful damage of a building valued at ten million naira belonging to Mr Bonaventure Ezekwenna and giving false information to the Inspector General of Police and his investigating police officers that he duly purchased a land from one Miss Victoria Mbachu which he knew was false with intent to deceive the police to use its powers against Miss Victoria Mbachu and Mr Bonaventure Ezekwenna.


Both defendants pleaded not guilty to the five charges and the Court presided over by Chief Magistrate Ken Nwoye upheld the bail earlier granted Mr Okaa and also granted Mr Salako bail of one – point – five million naira with one surety who resides within the jurisdiction of the court and known to the Prosecution Counsel .

The Prosecution Counsel earlier opposed the bail application on grounds of possible jumping of bail but was overruled by the court